10 More Best Things The MCU Did Differently To The Comics

Getting you hype for the magic of Phase Four.

By Zoë Miskelly /

While more ardent fans may remember the initial Best Things The MCU Did Differently To The Comics, it doesn't take a hardcore fan to recognise that a whole lot has gone on in the Marvel Cinematic Universe since then.


With Avengers: Endgame now standing at the single highest grossing film of all time, it’s clear that there’s a whole lot of work that has gone into specifically tailoring the film franchise to be as successful as it is – tailoring that does at many points divert it from totally following the comics. And said work does truly need to be credited, as diverging from comic canon is where many superhero films fall short, but where the MCU succeeds. Given the infinite potential any changes had to ruin the franchise, those involved really should be commended for instead actually making it even better at some points.

A mix of creating scenes that never existed in the comics, purposefully playing with scenes that were in the comics, and just straight up doing things the comics did differently because of the different format makes the MCU a distinctly different experience to its comic origins – but all the greater for it.

10. Thanos' Death(s)

While it’s no secret that Thanos is definitely one of the most important superhero villains in the MCU so far, the clever way he is used as a villain is perhaps overshadowed by the impressive job Josh Brolin does in playing the character.


The murder of Thanos in the first half of Endgame is perhaps the smartest way the MCU could have set up the rest of the film – as well as the smartest way they’ve set up a villain in a film – as even after the time shenanigan-based plot is established, many didn’t process the way in which this would allow a past Thanos to still serve as the main antagonist.

With the majority of major villains pretty much never being properly dead in the comic universe, it’s exciting to see the film universe play with the tropes to add even more intrigue into the plot itself.
