10 More Bizarre Star Wars Moments You Just Accepted

Anyone else ever notice that Luke Skywalker doesn't really care about his mother?

By Gareth Morgan /

Getting the obvious out of the way early, just about everything seen going down within this galaxy far, far away can be classed as a little bizarre. This is a universe packed full of strange alien worlds, mystical powers, and laser swords. But within the context of these epic tales told both on-screen and off of it? There's nothing strange at all about people running around in skeleton armour and space wizards floating rocks.


That being said, with so much glorious weirdness going down all over the place in the Star Wars franchise, it's easy to just accept and overlook those moments that secretly stand out as all kinds of odd and inexplicable even for this fantastical series of adventures.

We're talking about those Star Wars occurrences that may not have seemed all that unusual at first, but soon left you stroking your chin like a certain legendary Jedi Master once you really thought about them.

You've probably never really batted an eyelid at the different ways an iconic weapon was turned on, or questioned why a big bad had one strange feature in his throne room. But once you finish this list, you'll likely never be able to look at many of these Star Wars moments the same way again.

10. Why Do Only Three Jedi Speak On The Council?

First introduced during George Lucas' 1999 return to the galaxy far, far away that was Episode I - The Phantom Menace, the Jedi High Council boasted some of the wisest, most powerful, and iconic Jedi Masters this universe had ever known.


It was in this room that Qui-Gon Jinn attempted to convince the likes of Mace Windu and Yoda to allow him to train a young Anakin Skywalker, and that same 'Chosen One' kicked up a fuss about being put on the council but not being granted the rank of master. But what you probably didn't really take in when sitting through these various exchanges is the fact that, bizarrely, only a select few are seemingly granted the rank of talking masters here.

Now sure, on the small screen, the likes of Star Wars: The Clone Wars did at least make an effort to show that folks outside of Yoda, Windu, Ki-Adi-Mundi, and Obi-Wan Kenobi are actually allowed to occasionally open their mouths in this room. But on the big screen? It's just weirdly accepted when watching the prequels that the majority of the people on that council leave all of the jabbering to the big-name Jedi.
