10 More Horror Movies That Had TWO Incredible Villains

When one great villain just wasn't enough.

By Jack Pooley /

Nothing will cement a horror movie in the minds of genre fans quite like a statuesque villain who becomes instantly unforgettable and perhaps even earns themselves some bonafide cult fandom in the process.


Giving audiences one great villain is enough of a tricky proposition in this most oversaturated of genres, but serving up a killer duo for good measure? 

That's a serious challenge - but as ever, creative and clever filmmakers can always find a way to somehow do it.

And so, as a sequel to our prior thread on the very subject, here are 10 more horror movies that dared to have two incredible villains for the price of one.

These horror movies, regardless of their overall quality otherwise, at least managed to serve up two fantastically imposing, wretched, scary, and downright awesome villains for fans to savour.

In fact, they might be so great you were even put under their charming spell and found yourselves rooting for them to win at the end - though in other cases, most certainly not.

When one superb antagonist just won't do it, these films decided to deliver a storming duet, ensuring viewers walked away twice as creeped-the-hell-out...

10. Pearl & Howard - X

Huge credit to Ti West for coming up with two of the most unexpected horror movie villains in recent memory - a pair of horny old people.


In X, the cast and crew of a porn film are preyed upon by a psychopathic elderly woman, Pearl (Mia Goth, under a metric ton of makeup), and her deranged husband Howard (Stephen Ure).

Pearl is obsessed with the young, virile members of the porn shoot, seemingly due to her own unsatisfied sexual desires as a result of Howard's heart condition, and when they rebuff her advances, she starts picking them off with Howard's help.

Pearl and Howard are nothing if not a unique pair of slasher movie villains - unnerving, brutal, and at times darkly funny. 

And to top it all off, they're both given extremely memorable deaths, with Pearl having her head crushed by a car driven by Maxine (Goth), while Howard has a fatal heart attack.
