10 More Important Star Wars Details That Are Almost Never Mentioned

These crucial Star Wars facts are slept on by most fans.

By Jack Pooley /

The Star Wars franchise is such a colossal pop-culture behemoth, spanning almost 50 years and a dozen theatrical films, that it's impossible for even the most dedicated and conscientious fan to keep track of everything.


The wider universe has been explored through novels, video games, comic books, and so on, some of which has since been confined to the non-canon Legends ether, but much of which shines a crucial light on important facets of the overarching story not covered in the films.

And so, as a sequel to our prior article on the very subject, here are 10 more crucial Star Wars details which are almost never brought up among the fandom.

Some of them are defining revelations teased out from the wider universe, while others are more subtle plot points slyly revealed within the movies themselves.

Either way, despite their clear importance in the grand scheme of the franchise, they remain unknown by the vast majority of the fanbase. 

But again, given the utter mind-bending immensity of Star Wars' lore, nobody could really be blamed for failing to take stock of these details, no matter their clear importance...

10. The Last Thing Obi-Wan Sees Is Luke & Leia Reunited

Before we get to the disturbing stuff, here's a little-discussed detail that's actually pretty heart-warming. 


Despite basically every Star Wars fan having incredibly vivid memories of Obi-Wan Kenobi's (Alec Guinness) death in A New Hope, it isn't often mentioned that his sly smile at the end of his life has a very particular meaning.

Just before he allows Darth Vader (David Prowse) to slay him during their iconic lightsaber duel, he looks around and sees Luke (Mark Hamill) and Leia (Carrie Fisher) making their escape, and then smiles.

Now, let's break this down - the last thing Obi-Wan sees before laying down his life is the two twins he separated at birth being reunited almost 20 years later. 

If that doesn't warm your cockles and leave you willing to sacrifice yourself for the greater good, then nothing will.

Even though some fans might point out that George Lucas didn't originally plan for Luke and Leia to be siblings during production of a A New Hope, the meaning of Obi-Wan's look fits so damn perfectly that we'll let him take credit for it regardless.
