10 More Insanely Accurate Movie Details You Never Noticed

These movies contained moments that were way more accurate than you realised.

By Gareth Morgan /

When taking in a movie for the very first time, even if you're focusing as hard as humanly possible, a ton of wonderful and often ridiculously accurate details will inevitably fall through the cracks. Even after choosing to take an intriguing picture for another spin or two over the years, there's still a strong chance some of the more subtle features on disaply in that movie will remain hidden in plain sight. But the time of overlooking all of these magnificently factual details is over, folks.


Once you've reached the conclusion of this supremely accurate list, you will have discovered a number of fantastic ways filmmakers added a layer of authenticity to their pictures, with everything from historically accurate battle formations to very much legitimate behaviour from an intimidating mammal being present in the projects in question. The following entries will also brilliantly highlight just how much thought and effort can often go into even the most easily missed, and sometimes smallest, of film details.

So, without further ado, let's take a closer look at those extremely accurate movie moments that you probably failed to clock... until now!

10. Sharon Tate's Actual Jewellery Is Visible - Once Upon A Time In Hollywood

Fully immersing his audience in the world of Hollywood in the late 1960s, Quentin Tarantino's magnificent Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is a movie absolutely dripping with fascinating detail.


Now sure, QT isn't a bloke known for being entirely historically accurate when it comes to his pictures, with the director often choosing to rewrite it entirely when chucking out a story set in his Realer than Real universe. But that doesn't mean that a few easily missed but still quite authentic features don't pop up in his never dull movies every now and then.

Take the Playboy Mansion sequence in this 2019 tale, for example. Rather than dressing up another random mansion for the scenes, the director opted to shoot at the real deal.

On top of that, you have Margot Robbie's Sharon Tate, who is actually sporting some of the jewellery on-screen once worn by the tragically murdered star in real-life. 

It was Sharon's sister, Debra Tate, who gave Robbie the jewellery to show off in the film, and the Australian actor would later tell Today that "it was kind of sometimes very sad to be that closely connected with real-life Sharon."

But that little bit of detail was certainly a nice way to lace the spirit of the real-life Hollywood star into QT's world.
