10 More Insulting Ways Characters Were Killed Off Between Movies

Killing Becky before Clerks III was... a choice alright.

By Jack Pooley /

While it's absolutely expected that movie sequels don't just stick to the status quo of the original film, it can be hugely disappointing for audiences when beloved characters don't return for whatever reason.


For though filmmakers can find sensible ways to temporarily write characters out of their franchise until the actor is able to return, sometimes they just... kill them off between movies.

Off-screen deaths are rarely satisfying - especially when it's a significant character we're talking about - because they deny viewers any real closure on the character in question.

And while they're not always bad, it's incredibly easy for filmmakers to piss off their fanbase by sending characters to their graves so unceremoniously.

And that's absolutely the case with these 10 movies, each of which tossed major characters to the wayside without sufficient care, leaving fans frustrated and upset that they never got to see them again.

The filmmakers certainly had their reasons for doing so in most cases, but for audiences unconcerned with the inside baseball politics of the film industry, it stung something fierce.

These characters all deserved better than this treatment...

10. Tank Dies Of His Wounds From The First Movie - The Matrix Reloaded

The curious case of Tank (Marcus Chong) in The Matrix is a rare example of a character being injured in the first movie and then unexpectedly dying from those same injuries prior to the sequel.


Tank was the operator of the Nebuchadnezzar in the first Matrix and an immediate fan favourite character, enough that he was quite reasonably expected to return for The Matrix Reloaded.

However, the sequel fleetingly reveals that Tank died between movies, implied to be a result of injuries sustained during his fight with Cipher (Joe Pantoliano) in the original film, with new character Link (Harold Perrineau) serving as the replacement operator.

As for why actor Marcus Chong got the boot? He allegedly had a salary dispute with Warner Bros. and the Wachowskis while negotiating his role in the sequels, leading him to make threatening calls to the filmmaker siblings who in turn rescinded their offer to him.

While there's absolutely nothing wrong with the Wachowskis ditching a problematic cast member, did they have to kill his character too? Isn't it much nicer to think that Tank's just off elsewhere in Zion?
