10 More 'WTF Did I Just Pay To See' Horror Movies

The horror movies that left you doing double takes in the cinema.

By James Egan /

The horror genre isn't designed solely to entertain, but to rattle the masses, offering haunting visuals that are expected to last a lifetime. 


Of course, this is easier said than done. Once horror veterans have seen a few hundred slashers and monster B-movies, it can be hard to provoke as big a reaction.

But as has been established in our previous list, there are certain nail-biting flicks which will leave anyone, not just frightened, but utterly befuddled. Rather than following tried and tested tropes, these 10 features decided to play by their own rules. After all, after watching a movie involving mutant children, a giant egg, murderous tomatoes, or... whatever that creature was in Men, who can say they were truly the same perso afterwards?

As off-beat as these ideas sound, several entries on this list are absolutely phenomenal. Others, on the other hand, are as ridiculous as you'd think. Whether they turned out well or not, these horror films won't be forgotten any time soon, due to how frickin' weird they are.

10. The Loved Ones

She might not be as iconic as Chucky or Pinhead, but there's no doubt Lola from The Loved Ones is among the evilest horror villains ever.


The story follows a high-schooler called Brent who's been suicidal ever since his father died. Sadly, Brent's suffering has only begun. Brent's classmate, Lola, has grown so infatuated with him, she has him kidnapped and dragged to her house, where she has organised a makeshift prom for the two of them.

Now, a normal serial killer (which is a odd thing to say) would carry out their prom fantasy before doing away with Brent. 

But not Lola. This world-class sicko injects bleach into his throat, destroying his vocal cords. She then has his feet pinned to the floor with knives before threatening to chop off his junk. She brands her initials on his chest, causing Brent unimaginable pain. To add salt to the wounds... she literally pours salt onto his wounds. 

She then starts dancing with her equally twisted father, whom she admits she has sexual feelings for. Hoping to lobotomise him, she drills a hole into Brent's skull and pours boiling water into it.

Just when it seems like Lola's wickedness has peaked, she reveals her cellar, which is filled with her previous abductees, still alive but brain-dead.

The slasher genre may be rife with serial killers, but there are few that can compete with Lola's boundless wickedness.
