10 Most Bizarre Cases of Movie Censorship

Full frontal nudity is OK, but you can't show guns?!

By Andrew Dilks /

For the most part, the censors see themselves as valuable - nay, essential - guardians of public decency, with them wading through countless hours of material and taking endless notes before deciding for the rest of us what we can and can't see. Filmmakers and audiences alike have had an uneasy relationship with the censors for as long as they've deemed themselves arbiters of 'good taste'. While over the years the attitude of the censors has certainly become far more lenient - what was once grounds for censoring or banning a movie is now something they overlook - the censorship board still has the power to decide what rating a movie receives, affecting not only who can ultimately see it but the potential revenue it will end up taking at the box office. Sometimes the decisions they make make perfect sense - at other times, however, the cuts they demand leave you scratching your head wondering what on earth they were thinking. Whether it's British or American censors getting uppity about violence or moral guardians from around the world protecting their citizens from 'blasphemy', some censorship is truly baffling. The following list covers ten of the most bizarre censorship decisions made in the history of cinema.