10 Most Cringeworthy Performances By Otherwise Great Actors

By T.J. Barnard /

Even the greatest actors make bad decisions. As with all aspects of life, we don't always know how things are going to turn out unless we try. And "try" is what the 10 actors we've assembled for the following list did in abundance. At least, we hope they tried (some of these picks are certainly questionable in that department). In all cases, though, these downright strange and occasionally insane performances served only to have us questioning the talents of some of the motion picture's most prestigious actors... how the hell did such defining talents manage to make us cringe quite so much as they did here? Just... don't do it again, okay, guys?

10. Nine (2009) - Daniel Day-Lewis

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=tM-iKNeSDE8#! Now that he's officially "the greatest actor of all time," given his record amount of Best Actor Oscar wins, you'd be forgiven for thinking that Daniel Day-Lewis could do no wrong. And yet he totally can, which is both irritating to discover and strangely wonderful - even the greatest actor can put in a mis-judged performance, which is what happened in this musical adaption of Fellini's 8 1/2, in which Day-Lewis plays an Italian movie director. Day-Lewis is intolerable here: completely unlikeable and not at all in sync with his character. Even his accent - one of the Day-Lewis specialties is his mastery of accents - is tacky. For once, he's simply the wrong man for the job. I mean, it's cringeworthy to watch such an esteemed actor singing his way through a host of showtunes with a Bela Lugosi accent. If you want to seal the image of ol' Dan as the most accomplished actor in the history of the universe in your head, I strongly advise that you stay well away from the cold and forgettable Nine.