10 Most Divisive Movies Of 2017

Star Wars: Episode VIII - Fans Vs Fans Vs Critics...

By Danny Meegan /

Though it's usually quite clear if one flick is better than another (you're never going to hear anyone argue that The Room is better than Terminator 2), every single movie ever made could be subjectively awesome, terrible, or somewhere in-between.


Do you love The Dark Knight? There's probably someone out there who hates it. Absolutely despise X-Men: The Last Stand? You can guarantee some random fan will worship at its altar. The point is, opinions aren't factual, and being able to discuss a movie's strengths and weaknesses with others is one of the most fun parts of the post-viewing experience.

And often, this difference of opinion results in films having wildly varying positions on the quality scale, depending on the individual; something that you found refreshing and original might seem completely stupid and boring to someone else.

2017 contains plenty of movies like this - ones that a large group loved but a vocal minority hated, ones that split audiences and critics straight down the middle, or in some cases, ones that sparked controversy that stopped the film from being a universally-acclaimed hit...

10. War For The Planet Of The Apes

Depending on who you ask, War For The Planet Of The Apes is either a thoughtful, emotionally-impactful blockbuster, or a drawn-out, boring misfire.


The movie performed exceptionally well with critics - earning a stellar 93 percent on Rotten Tomatoes - but a vocal minority bashed the film, with some audiences claiming that it did not deliver on the action and spectacle the trailers promised.

And to be completely fair to those people, War For The Planet Of The Apes does not contain a lot of action, but whether or not that makes it a less-enjoyable film is entirely down to personal taste.

The backlash was reflected in the film's disappointing box-office figures, with this third instalment in the rebooted Apes series grossing a staggering $220 million dollars less then its predecessor - becoming the lowest domestic earner in the Caesar trilogy - potentially crippling chances of a fourth instalment.

All this is in spite of some critics calling it the best Apes movie ever made, and one of the best blockbusters in recent memory.
