10 Most Outlandish Jurassic World Rumours

Just what is the hybrid dinosaur?

By Josh Wilding /

Steven Spielberg's Jurassic Park is of course a classic, and while the sequel is well-liked, both that and the disappointing third instalment left fans underwhelmed and put the franchise on the shelf for a number of years. Throughout that period though, there was always talk of a fourth movie in the franchise. Unfortunately, those talks never came to fruition. However, that all changed when Jurassic World was announced! Much to the surprise of just about everyone though, it wouldn't be Spielberg directing. Instead, little known filmmaker Colin Trevorrow was confirmed to be taking the helm of not a reboot, but a follow-up to the original trilogy. After all the years which had passed, that was particularly surprising. From day one, Jurassic World has been shrouded in secrecy, though Trevorrow was at one point forced to take part in an interview to address a plethora of spoilers which found their way online at an early point in the movie's production. Since then, they've done a good job of keeping things under wraps, but plenty of secrets have still found their way online. Here, we take a look at just ten of the biggest rumours, whether they reveal major spoilers about the plot, the truth about that mysterious hybrid dinosaurs, or which characters from the original trilogy may return. Needless to say, spoilers follow...
