10 Most Rewatchable Films This Decade (So Far)

How many times have you watched these addictive films?

By Andrew Dilks /

Most films released in the theaters come and go with a whimper rather than a bang: if they're lucky they might capture our attention for a brief spell before fading into memory. It's as inevitable as the Pareto distribution, in which only a handful of products receive the vast majority of the attention and praise.


When a truly special movie event arrives and resonates with audiences, however, the results can be enduring. These are the films which stand the test of time, not only holding up under close scrutiny but becoming better the more you watch them. In their own way they capture the proverbial "movie magic" ever filmmaker strives to achieve.

This decade has been no exception, delivering a number of excellent movies which can be watched over and over again without losing their appeal. Some do this by capturing the essence of a genre, delivering awe-inspiring action or non-stop comedy, others because they are so crammed with incidental details it's impossible to appreciate them from a single viewing.

All of them are the movie equivalent of capturing lightning in a bottle.

10. Deadpool

If Deadpool proved anything it's that giving a comic book movie an R rating isn't as big a risk as you might think. From a budget of just under $60 million it went on to rake in a whopping $783 million at the box office, spawning an equally successful sequel and establishing an unexpected hit franchise to the long list of comic book adaptations.


It's not hard to see why Deadpool garnered such a huge number of fans - breaking away from the family friendly formula usually applied to comic book movies, it ramped up the dark jokes, foul language and over the top violence to 11, delivering in the Deadpool character the anti-hero everyone had been waiting for. No small amount of credit is due to Ryan Reynolds, who seems to have been itching to play the role for his entire career.

With its barrage of jokes, visual gags and self-aware comic book references, Deadpool guaranteed a highly rewatchable experience for fans of the genre. The frenetic pace and gag-a-minute script ensured that everyone else was happy to get in on the action more than once. Deadpool is a perfect beer and snacks movie for a Saturday night in.
