10 Most Twisted Quentin Tarantino Movie Characters

They absolutely, positively had to kill every motherf**ker in the room

By Ian Watson /

When it comes to portraying aberrant psychology on the screen, it€™s all too easy to create a cartoon villain with a checklist of traits instead of any real personality. And many filmmakers have. Take a bit of Hannibal Lecter, add a dash of generic Bond villain and - presto! - you€™ve got a bland and anonymous antagonist. As a disciple of Elmore Leonard, Quentin Tarantino isn€™t having any of that. Like Leonard, he knows the importance of character, and the best way to reveal character is through dialogue. The person in question might be a hitman, and a sadist to boot, but he won€™t do anything until we€™ve heard him speak. In twenty years and eight movies, as well as three pictures he wrote but didn€™t direct, Tarantino has created a rogues gallery that€™s the envy of most crime novelists, never mind his fellow filmmakers. Here€™s where you€™ll find one-eyed female assassins, unhinged mobsters and twitchy henchmen, all of whom are blessed with dialogue to die for. It€™s his ability to elevate them well above the mundane that bagged him his two screenwriting Oscars. While we await The Hateful Eight, which features Kurt Russell as a character known as The Hangman, here€™s a rundown of Tarantino€™s previous forays into the dark side of human nature.