10 Movie Characters Created As A F**k You To Real People

They pissed off the wrong creatives.

By Brogan Morris /

It's not all fun and games in the movie business. Feelings get hurt and, knowing they have a creative outlet through which they can share their frustration with the audiences of the world, sometimes the artists deem it necessary to get their own back. Creative types have throughout history used their various artistic outlets to make a sly dig at the people they hate, the folks they've felt wronged by or merely just types they know that to them deserve a little bit of payback. It can be tricky, though - Hollywood's artistes can't always risk making overt depictions of real-life people, for fear of being sued, of developing a reputation or even of being shut out of their own industry because they bit the hand that fed them. Knowing they can't always totally indulge themselves and tear someone a new one by depicting them literally, creatives sometimes make characters up on the spot knowing that, that way, they can have their cake and eat it, too. Such characters are straight f**k you's to the douchebags of the world that also happily don't come with a risk of libel. They're rarely subtle, but when the viewer gets what those behind the character were going for, the revenge is all the sweeter.
