10 Movie Characters Who Should Run For President In 2020

Because if a reality TV star can be President, anyone can.

By Ian Watson /

January 20 2017 marks the beginning of a new era in American politics – it’s the first time a reality TV star with no political experience has ascended to the highest political office in the land.


When Donald Trump takes the oath to protect the country from all enemies both foreign and domestic, it will either be the most surreal episode ever of The Apprentice or the darkest day for America since someone said, “You can’t say Dallas doesn’t love you, Mr Kennedy.”

Either way, the bar has now been set so low that any celebrity can consider running for President and expect to be taken seriously. If that guy from Home Alone 2 and Zoolander can do it, then why can’t horror icons and mad scientists? If Ro-Man from Robot Monster runs in 2020, will Americans elect a space gorilla in a diving helmet as their Commander In Chief?

This question, clearly the most pressing in our troubled cosmos, gave yours truly some serious pause for thought. Here, then, are 10 icons you should expect to see on the ballot in 2020.

10. Gerry Blake - The Stepfather

Gerry Blake represents a certain America, a nostalgia-tinged, Norman Rockwell vision of the country where folks work hard and deliver homespun wisdom to their kids. This is a guy who just wants to live the American Dream – a house, a job, a wife and kids.


Unfortunately, his tough upbringing means that he has “anger issues”, so whenever his new family disappoints him, he explodes into violence. But he keeps that part hidden from strangers.

When we first meet him, he’s picking up the pieces after killing his wife and stepchildren, casually stepping over their bodies in between changing his appearance and collecting his things. Then he moves to another town, starts looking for another widow to marry, and the cycle begins anew.

The trouble with moving from city to city is that, sooner or later, someone will recognise you. And at all times, you have to keep your stories straight. This is clearly good training for becoming Commander In Chief, where different lies have to be fed to the masses at different times.
