10 Movie Jobs We All Wish We Could Have

Time to update your resumes guys!

By David Opie /

Wake up. Eat breakfast. Go to work. Come home. Eat dinner. Watch TV. Go to bed. If this describes a typical day in your life, then you probably enjoy escaping the boredom of reality by diving into books, games and movies. One minute you're making beans on toast and the next you're fighting overwhelming odds to save the galaxy from destruction... but only in your head of course. Whatever your occupation may be, we can guarantee that the jobs you see in the movies are better. Even careers that are boring in real life take on a shiny, desirable glow on the silver screen. It seems that every romantic comedy features at least one handsome successful architect who has women falling all over him and it's hard watch a quirky 'indie' film without bumping into an independent woman who runs her own business/bakery/brothel. The movies may make these real-world occupations appear desirable, but the reality can be far less gratifying. That's why it's much more fun to fantasize about awesome jobs that could only ever exist on film, so read on to discover 10 movie jobs we all wish we could have. Remember to let us know if you agree with our choices in the comments section below and tell us about the movie jobs that you've always longed to pursue. Also, if you're expecting to see the three-breasted prostitute from Total Recall on this list, think again...
