10 Movie Plot Twists EVERYONE Guessed

Everybody saw these obvious plot twists coming.

By Jack Pooley /

Everybody loves a good plot twist - there's nothing quite like being genuinely surprised by a clever, creative climactic reveal that totally re-frames how you see the entire movie forever more.


As their best, plot twists ensure you're desperate to watch the film again as soon as possible and see how the experience differs when viewed from a new perspective, but sadly not all twists can boast quite that level of propulsive surprise.

Sometimes the filmmakers just don't appreciate how smart viewers are, and how quickly they can figure things out for themselves, in turn leading to a deflatingly obvious reveal later on.

Now, there are certainly worse things for a movie to be than predictable - if the execution is solid, it's not the end of the world - but it nevertheless meant that these twists didn't land with the shattering impact the writers and directors clearly intended.

From overtly signposting the twist to giving the audience far too long to figure it out or even basically giving the game away in pre-release interviews, these twists weren't surprising to the vast majority of people watching...

10. Evelyn Deavor Is Screenslaver - Incredibles 2

Incredibles 2 was a largely worthy belated sequel, though perhaps the single most common complaint was that its big rug-pull was just way too predictable - even for a film aimed primarily at children.


The movie's primary mystery concerned the identity of the villainous Screenslaver, with the audience led to suspect either businessman fanboy Winston Deavor (Bob Odenkirk) or his sister, Evelyn (Catherine Keener).

Though the film tries to convince you it's more likely to be Winston, given Disney's tireless reliance on bait-and-switch twist villains and the fact that Evelyn's full name is Evelyn Deavor - as in, "evil endeavour" - it wasn't that hard to figure out she was in fact the Screenslaver.

And while it certainly doesn't sink the movie's third act, it did prove mildly disappointing that Brad Bird couldn't come up with a more subversive or interesting villain reveal than this. Disney desperately needs to give twist villains a rest.
