10 Movie Plots Made Possible By Ridiculous Convenience

Don't worry, the screenwriters have you covered Mr Bond...

By Kristian Webb /

Your standard movie plot generally features an introduction to a hero, a problem facing said hero and then the hero resolving said problem - it's a simple formula that has been the basis of stories since the time of Aesop and before.


However, quite how those problems are solved for heroes and villains alike can be a little bit too convenient for some viewers' tastes and really point to rather lazy writing. Enormous problems with simple solutions are nothing new but the way some of the most famous movies in Hollywood pull out the save defy belief.

It's not an issue when the convenience in question has been set up by something earlier in the film in a clever way, but when it's all just shoe-horned in uncomfortably, it's hardly a satisfying experience for the audience. That's not organic story-telling, it's narrative cheating.

And looking back over the illustrious history of film, there have been a surprising - and annoying - number of plots whose resolutions have been reliant on some pretty ridiculous coincidences. It's almost like something being convenient to story trumps the need to actually build any sense of logic...

10. Revenge Of The Sith: Darth Vader's Suit



When you send your Sith Apprentice to kill off the Separatist Leaders on a volcanic planet, you fully expect them to come home having taken care of the defenceless politicians without so much as a scratch adorning them.

Obviously, that isn't the case here as the recently corrupted Anakin Skywalker's wife turns up on Mustafar with high ground specialist Obi-Wan Kenobi in tow who hacks the newly dubbed Darth Vader into several pieces and leaves him to burn to death.

Emperor Palpatine, in the expanded media, apparently felt a disturbance before his apprentice was dissected and was en route to Mustafar quicker than you can say 'May the Force Be With You' but his medical cargo really boggles the mind...

Not only is his ship capable of replacing three (THREE!!) limbs in no time at all, Palpatine also has a conveniently designed breathing apparatus which filters air for badly scorched lungs. Add in the fact that Vader's body needs to be covered completely - OH WAIT - there's an outer shell of a suit, complete with cape, exactly in Skywalker's increased size.

Much more could've been done with how Vader got the suit - even a scene explaining a premonition on Palpatine's part would've done George.
