10 Movie Sequels FINALLY Happening

Lords of War?! Constantine 2!? Gladiator 2?! Oh, you better believe it!

By Gareth Morgan /

We are all currently living through the age of the sequel, folks.


However, whereas most follow-ups tend to be thrown into production nowadays before the previous film has even had chance to finish its theatrical run or spent a month clogging up streaming services, the following big-screen sequels have taken a little longer than many were expecting.

Hell, in some cases, we'd honestly given up on many of them ever being released at all.

But as of the writing of this list, you better believe that some of the most beloved (and unexpected) features in movie history are about to be given the sequel treatment.

Now sure, there are those out there who understandably recoil at the thought of classic pieces of cinema being added to out of fear that the prior entry could potentially be spoiled or tarnished by what comes next.

Yet, recent history shows that returning to the great film stories, characters, and worlds of the past after a few decades doesn't always lead to the stuff of movie nightmares. Top Gun: Maverick was all right, wasn't it?

So, here's hoping these supernatural comebacks and returns to some of the '80s/'90s best slices of action stick the landing like Tom Cruise in a fighter jet, eh?

10. I Am Legend 2

After gobbling up an impressive $585 million at the box office and going on to become one of Will Smith's biggest hits, it felt as though an I Am Legend sequel was inevitable.


Yet, despite there being talk of a prequel back in 2008, and it again being noted how Warner Bros. was planning on producing another entry in 2012, a return to all things I Am Legend is yet to arrive in theatres.

However, last year did finally seem to bring the most promising update yet when it comes to this potential Smith-starring follow-up.

Deadline noted how the sequel would not only see the return of the first film's star as Dr. Robert Neville, but Creed and Black Panther actor Michael B. Jordan will also be joining the feature as both a star and producer.

And for those wondering how a sequel would even be possible after the theatrical version's ending saw Neville blowing himself and some Darkseekers up with a grenade, the the film's returning writer Akiva Goldsman had a rather intriguing answer.

During an interview with Deadline, Goldsman confirmed that the alternate ending, one that stays more faithful to the Richard Matheson source material, would be the canonical one coming into the sequel.

And speaking of intriguing, long-awaited Warner Bros. follow-ups...
