10 Movies You Can't Stop Watching When They Come On TV

Let's just watch it for five minutes...

By Alex Leadbeater /

We've all been there. You're channel surfing and notice a movie you love is on, but it's already halfway through. Oh well, you'll watch it for a five minutes until something else is on... and the next thing you know it's an hour later and you've watched it through to the end. Well that was a fun half-experience. It may feel a little outdated in a world of digital downloads, online streaming, DVDs, Blu-Rays and Ultra-Violet, but there's a plethora of films available for free every day aired on television. Unless you've got TiVo or the ability to plan ahead, however, this requires you to be in the right place at the right time, something increasingly difficult in our on-demand lifestyle. Normally you'll find yourself stuck forever watching movies minus their opening twenty minutes. This isn't necessarily a problem if you've seen the movie before, even if there is a sense you might as well not bother committing two hours of your time. Although that isn't always the case. Some films are just so ridiculously enjoyable that it's physically impossible to pull yourself away from, whether you want to or not. Here are ten films that once you start watching on TV, at any point in their run time, you just can't help but watch to the end.