10 Overblown Film Directors Who Need To Learn The Meaning Of Restraint

Some directors just need to be stopped...

By David Opie /

Hollywood is the definition of excess. Every week, millions of people around the world fork over their hard earned cash to be treated to an hour or two of spectacle, transporting them to places that they couldn't even begin to imagine. The big blockbusters are the most successful because they represent an extreme that draws people in. Bigger explosions, bigger battles, bigger worlds! The issue is when directors take this too far. Believe it or not, there is actually such a thing as 'too much', but the little devil on the directors shoulder (producers, they're called producers) keeps whispering "more, more" when they should be screaming "less, less!" The reason this cycle will never end is because these terribly overblown films actually make money, heaps of it, despite being mauled by every critic with eyes. Let's hope a producer up there in big ol' Hollywood takes the time to read this list. Someone needs to stop these 10 directors or at least remind them what restraint actually means. Use the comment section below to let me know your thoughts on my selections and if there's any other film makers out there who could learn that sometimes 'less is more'. Click "next" below to get started...