10 Perfect Movie Endings That Sequels Ruined

Nailing a perfect ending is tough - blowing it with a sequel is heart breaking.

By Bevan Morgan /

Movie fans can sometimes forget that first and foremost, film-making is a business. Sure there is the odd passion project that is the exception to the rule, but when people think about the real ground-breaking films, and the ones that have defined the medium itself, most of these were made for a pay cheque. And there is nothing inherently wrong with that - there are far worse ways to make a living. The problem comes with the fact that the need to keep making profits means that often a good idea is wrung out to dry despite the best intentions and the most sincere attempts of all those involved. One of the saddest parts of extending franchises beyond what is creatively sustainable, is that it can negate or ruin the endings of the original film. Ending a film on the right note is one of the most underrated and taxing challenges in creating any kind of film, and a good ending can be the difference between a film going down in history as one of the greats (Casablanca) or as an unmitigated disaster (I Am Legend). Having a pitch perfect ending ruined is therefore one of the most heart breaking things that can happen to a film. Here we present to you ten of the worst sequels that tainted the perfectly closed films before them.