10 Perfect Sci-Fi Horror Movies You've Never Heard Of

The future has never looked so terrifying.

By Michael John-Day /

Is there any genre in cinema as versatile as horror? You can take any kind of movie, make it spooky, and boom, you've got a wicked time. Horror comedy? Check. Dark fantasy horror? Check. Horror for kids? Check. Hell, you can even do romantic horror - that's basically just Dracula.


With this in mind, it's no surprise that science fiction and the scary side of cinema pair together like an exceptional wine and an aged cheese. It's a storytelling style that comes with a plethora of terrifying concepts, such as speculative technology, cosmic deities, a general fear of the unknown, and plenty more. You barely have to do any work to make it frightening, which is why horror filmmakers draw from it so often.

Unfortunately, that great connection between fear and sci-fi has over-saturated the market, leaving many hidden gems to be overshadowed by bigger releases.

With the sheer number of science-based horrors out there, you're bound to have slept on a few. So forget Dune, Star Wars, Star Trek, and all those other cosmic escapades and settle in with an underrated movie that makes them all look like kid's flicks.

10. Aniara (2018)

Space travel is something this generation is begging for, as the chance to go out into the far reaches of the cosmos and say, "we are here," is tantilising at best and obsessive at worst. However, venturing forth into space isn't as simple or wholesome as many make it out to be, and this Swedish sci-fi horror explores why.


Aniara takes place on a spacecraft transporting humans from Earth to Mars in an attempt to flee the dying planet. Unfortunately, a potential collision with space debris causes the ship to veer off course, leaving it floating aimlessly into the unpredictable reaches of the universe.

This film is a minefield of existential dread, as the claustrophobia of being trapped in an unknown place with people you barely know is unsettling, and the horrors of endless space present little hope for salvation.

It's a well-crafted sci-fi journey that makes you question whether life is worthwhile when stuck in a liminal space, and addresses the violence and dangers that come with cabin fever - or, more appropriately, spaceship fever.
