10 Possible Looks For Marvel's New Spider-Man

Rumour has it that Spider-Man is getting an Iron Man approved upgrade in the MCU.

By Josh Wilding /

The Amazing Spider-Man franchise was a failure, and the critical and commercial response to the sequel last year would force Sony into making a deal with Marvel Studios. Now, Spider-Man will be a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, with Kevin Feige overseeing a new take on the character who will swing into a solo movie in 2017 from Drew Goddard. According to a number of reports, this new Peter Parker will be a teenager who receives a new suit from Tony Stark following a cameo appearance in Captain America: Civil War. That could mean fans only get to see the classic costume on screen for a very short amount of time before Spider-Man is seen wearing something drastically different, a way perhaps for this reboot (which desperately needs to restore faith in the big screen version of the iconic Marvel superhero) to make itself stand out from everything which has come before. So, what suit should Spider-Man don for his next set of big screen adventures? Here, we present just ten of the best possible options from his storied comic book history, whether it's a certain version of the classic red and blue, an alien suit which might just have links to Thanos in the MCU, or some upgraded versions you know Iron Man would really love...
