10 Predictions For 2017's Most Iconic Movie Deaths

Thor goes to Hell.

By Jack Pooley /

Marvel Studios

Few things can shock an audience quite like a pivotal character death, because when it's done right, a death scene will keep fans talking for years and unable to forget what they've just witnessed.


Take last year: audiences saw the demise of Tony Stark's parents, Superman's "death" at the hands of Doomsday, a Saving Private Ryan-esque food massacre in Sausage Party, and Deadpool kill three guys with one freaking bullet, to name just a few.

Scenes like this stick in the mind because they're surprising, unique and controversial, and with its own slew of long-awaited blockbusters on the way, 2017 will surely be sending a number of fictional beings, both beloved and not, to the big morgue in the sky.


There's no strict formula for creating an iconic death scene, of course, but you'll absolutely know it when you see it, because your jaw will be on the floor, you'll be laughing hysterically, or you might even shed a tear or twelve.