10 Reasons Solo Is The Worst Star Wars Film To Date

And you thought the prequels were bad.

By Robin Baxter /

Star Wars has been hugely divisive over the years. It has an incredible Original Trilogy, but that part of the franchise is the only one people agree on. George Lucas' Prequels are some of cinema's most loathed films, the misjudged animated Clone Wars movie was even worse and even the recent Disney Star Wars films have split fans. As such, everyone was expecting Solo: A Star Wars Story to be another dud.


With a nightmarish production and a lack of promotion, this is one movie everyone was worried about. Still, no one expected it to be the huge box office bomb it's been, but what's more is that it deserves it.

Solo: A Star Wars Story is awful. A charmless, bland, and by-the-numbers bore, it lacks the adventurous spirit, incredible world-building, and mesmerizing thrills that define this beloved franchise, making it Star Wars in name only.

While superior to The Clone Wars, this is still the worst of the main Star Wars movies. Yes, it is even worse than the Prequels, which are mediocre at worst and have some great moments. That's more than can be said for Solo.

Spoilers Ahead.

10. It's The Safest Film Imaginable

If you thought The Force Awakens was safe, with it essentially remaking A New Hope, you ain't seen nothing yet.


Solo is one of the safest, most predictable and most risk-free movies imaginable. It just goes through its by-the-numbers plot without taking any risks or deviating from formula.

When watching it, one can almost hear the writers using a checklist to write the script: Kessel Run, Han meets Chewie, Han meets Lando, Han gets Millennium Falcon and also a surprise bit of a fan service thrown in for good measure.

It appears Lucasfilm were fully aware of how divisive The Last Jedi was going to be and wanted to release a very safe and risk-free movie a few months after to win fans back. The truth is, what they should've realized is that it's impossible to please all of the Star Wars fan-base and the films will always be divisive, which is a reminder of how beloved Star Wars is and what it means to people.

We can expect a huge backlash against this too. In any case, if the vastly superior Last Jedi got such a huge backlash and this doesn't, that'll be incredibly unfair.
