10 Reasons To Be Excited For Ant-Man

Marvel's tiniest hero could be their next big hit.

By Samuel Clements /

Guardians Of The Galaxy shocked everyone last year by turning a comparatively unknown comic into a viable blockbuster property, and Marvel are hoping that this July€™s Ant-Man will repeat this success. The project has been the subject of much controversy, with director Edgar Wright leaving the movie due to creative differences, but this doesn€™t mean that the film is destined to be Marvel€™s first big failure. Nor too does the subject matter. The concept is admittedly somewhat laughable, but so too are the ideas of a sarcastic rodent, a tree with a limited vocabulary, a raging green bulk of muscle and a Norse god from another realm. But Marvel has turned each of these heroes into almost immediate icons, so it is unwise to write the comic book giant off so quickly even in the oddest circumstances. Marvel€™s Phase Two has been insane; SHIELD has collapsed, audiences have been introduced to the cosmic universe and Tony Stark seems to have given up his metallic persona. Ant-Man is in the unenviable position of capping this set of movies off, and to say it has a lot to live up to is something of an understatement. Thankfully the movie has a stellar cast and decades of source material to draw from, so the criticism and dismissive attitude of many commentators is unwarranted. It may not be able to live up to Guardians or The Winter Soldier, but the film has unavoidably promising elements, and deserves to be met with excitement. There are seven months until its release date, but there are plenty of reasons to count down the time until you get to see the miniature hero grace the big screen.