10 Reasons We've Already Given Up On The DC Cinematic Universe

Is it really worth all the effort?

By Brogan Morris /

DC has watched Marvel take over your moviegoing lives and relieve you of your precious money for six years now, and it doesn't like it one bit. So now, intentions have been made clear: the DC Cinematic Universe is going to become a thing, whether you like it or not. After 2013's Man of Steel will come 2016's Batman vs. Superman, followed by a Justice League movie - which will assemble all manner of DC mainstays - reportedly arriving around 2017. A series of DC Cinematic Universe movies has been in the rumour mill for years - a George Miller-directed Justice League movie might already have been with us if it weren't for the 2007-2008 writer's strike. But now Christopher Nolan has successfully made Batman cool again and has subsequently taken the producing reins of the Superman reboot, DC officially has its own cinematic universe in its sights. Cool, no? No. There's nothing more worrying than seeing the comic book properties you love suddenly turn into movie productions without the delicate handling that's required. Based on what evidence we have so far, and on the ominous signs found in the seemingly daily updates, here are 10 reasons to not be excited about what the DC Cinematic Universe is cooking...