10 Reasons Why Hogwarts Would Be A Terrible Place To Live

Hogwarts: The slavery-endorsing, murder you in a flash school of wizarding excellence...

By Jacob Wilkins /

Every Harry Potter fan has dreamed about attending Hogwarts. Harry’s adventures may have been wrought with danger, but there’s no denying how much fun is to be had at this famous magic school.


The opportunity to learn spells, roam the grounds, fly a broomstick, collect chocolate frog cards, and visit the village of Hogsmeade is a very tempting idea. Even some of the more challenging aspects of the Hogwarts curriculum sound like they’d be fun to experience.

However, upon closer inspection, living at Hogwarts might not be so enjoyable. There’s just no getting around the fact it’s a very dangerous place to live. It’s a miracle more students weren’t killed or injured during Harry’s adventures.

There’s also a number of aspects about life at Hogwarts that are simply inconvenient for the average teenager. As brilliant and exciting as the magic in Harry Potter undoubtedly is, such inconveniences seem rather backward when compared with the Muggle world.

As a result, Hogwarts is far from the idyllic paradise many Harry Potter fans claim it to be. Whilst the famous castle certainly has its merits, living there for an extended period of time would not be as enjoyable as you’d expect it to be…

10. The Inconvenient Staircases

Hogwarts is a labyrinth. Harry and Ron lose their way multiple times during their first few weeks because of the castle’s vast size and endless amounts of corridors, classrooms, staircases, and secret passageways.


To make matters more confusing, the grand staircase – which is the primary method of moving between different floors – has a mind of its own. If you were ever running late for a class, breaking into a run wouldn’t help very much because the stairs may suddenly decide to change.

As well as being irritable, the staircases are incredibly dangerous. If one of them happened to move as you were stepping onto it, your magical education would end rather abruptly.

Ironically, the concept of the moving stairs came from Rowena Ravenclaw, one of the four Hogwarts founders. Why someone who valued intelligence above all else thought moving stairs would be a good idea is anyone’s guess.
