10 Remakes Of 1980s Movies Coming In 2020 (And Beyond)

Another Escape for Snake Plissken...?

By Simon Gallagher /

Escwpe From New York
AVCO Embassy Pictures

Everyone loves the 1980s. Some people reading this article don't even know there was an 80s. But thanks to the decade inventing real high school movies, redefining the coming of age movie thanks to the Brat Pack and John Hughes and offering some of the greatest - and also the worst - action movies of all time, it's a hallowed period for movies.


Naturally, because the decade is now a distant, nostalgia-glazed memory and everyone has mostly moved on to rose-tinting their ideas of what the 90s were, Hollywood has been given free reign to plunder some of the best movies that came out in that period. also some bad ones that genuinely do deserve a second go.

Here's the remakes from the golden era of bad movies you'll need to look out for soon...


10. Clue

Tim Curry Wadsworth Clue
Paramount Pictures

There hasn't been a great track record so far for movies based on boardgames, in all honestly, but it only takes one person to make a really good Kerplunk movie and Hollywood will go wild for adapting every single game you played on Games Night as a kid.

Even before that happens, Fox (remember them?) have been attached to a remake of one classic board game movie in conjunction with Hasbro. They've set their sights on Jonathan Lynn's Clue, which they're remaking as a "worldwide mystery" action adventure movie and as of January 2018, Ryan Reynolds was attached to star. Excitingly, it would reteam him with Deadpool writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick.


Quite what the Disney deal means to it remains to be seen, since it wasn't announced in their forthcoming properties, but that list wasn't exhaustive and Clue wouldn't have a release date to announce at this stage anyway.