10 Sadly Overlooked Horror Movie Moments

By Alan Howell /

More than any other genre, horror seeks to strike us at our core. That is, the horror story seeks to burrow itself into our psyches and, once there, start striking on our nerve endings in a way that the storyteller hopes will shock and startle the viewer badly enough that the story will remain imprinted on the audience€™s collective memory forever. In a perfect world, every horror movie moment that deserves such immortality would attain it. However, a perfect world is not where we live, and, while some great horror movie moments have made their way into the world€™s cultural lexicon (including such moments as the €œshower scene€ in Psycho, the opening sequence of Scream, and the €œHeeeere€™s Johnny!€ scene in The Shining), others have been lost in the shuffle. What I intend to do here is give ten such moments their deserved time in the spotlight. One note before we begin: you€™ll notice here that a couple of the moments on this list are not from horror movies. This is intentional; it€™s just my own way of showing that horror can strike unexpectedly, at any time. So, without further ado, away we go.