10 Seriously Secret Disney Movie Easter Eggs You Probably Missed

Disney's movies are more connected than you might think.

By WhatCulture /

Disney are one of the largest and most influential corporations in the world. I use the world "corporation" to describe a company best known for its animated movies because, to be fair, that's exactly what Disney make themselves feel like most of the time. Despite the fact that they provide the world with its number one source of nostalgia, they're also known for their inherent love of money, shady business ethics and invincible lawyers. And yet, dreadful associations aside, Disney remains an entity that we continue to embrace on a daily basis, because, let's face it, their animated movies are too freakin' good to pass up. Be it classics like Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs or The Jungle Book, renaissance gems like The Lion King or Aladdin, or modern greats such as The Princess and the Frog, Disney have continued to capture our imaginations for almost a century. Whereas Pixar seem to get most of the "you're the best animation studio ever" accolades nowadays, we can't forget that Disney have never stopped churning out wonderful slices of brilliantly funny and beautifully animated fare (packed with songs that we've never been able to forget). Pixar, of course, have built up a reputation for themselves as a flawless studio, and for their love of Easter eggs. It turns out that Disney, too, like Easter eggs just as much as Pixar do. In fact, they set the trend first. This article assembles 10 of the sneakiest Disney-based inclusions here - eggs so subtle that you probably didn't notice them 'less you have a tendency to squash your face right up against the TV screen. How many of 'em did you know already?