10 Shocking (But Believable) Theories About Marvel's Phase 3

Where the heck has Red Skull been all this time, anyway?

By Sam Hill /

Once a Marvel movie has been officially announced, the next year or two divulges into a feverish speculation zone designed for the deployment of madcap theories and crazy conjecture about what, exactly, might happen in said motion picture venture. Whilst many theories that emerge during this period are the sum of total guesswork, others are conjured up based on what has been teased in images, plot details or hints from the filmmakers. And given that Marvel Studios kind of have the "upcoming superhero movie" market cornered right now, there are a relentless amount of theories doing the rounds regarding the franchise - the most interesting of which concerns the Marvel Cinematic Universe's fast approaching "Phase Three." Each MCU Phase collects movies together that share a kind of cinematic backbone; Phase Three's films are rumoured to deal with the fallout of Ultron's attack on Earth, and how that effects - and changes - how superheroes are perceived as a result of that. Which basically means that there's going to be a lot of conflict between the Avengers and their associates, especially as the first film in Phase Three is Captain America: Civil War. There isn't a whole lot of official information regarding Phase Three's films at the moment, but that hasn't stopped the collective fanbase from coming up some of their own theories regarding the future of the MCU. Here are most shocking (and yet believable) ones...