10 Shocking Leaked Messages Sony Doesn't Want You To See

Spoiler alert! They REALLY don't like Adam Sandler...

By Sam Driver /

http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2bqytd_10-shocking-leaked-messages-sony-doesn-t-want-you-to-see_shortfilms Sony Pictures Entertainment has not had a good 2014, by any means. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (Sony's only franchise hope) backfired horribly in the face of it's predecessor, and the vast majority of their slate for this year has been an exercise in mediocre film-making - as usual. But things really went south last week. It all began fairly bluntly, with the mysterious leaking of five of their hottest new film properties to the internet by a group calling themselves 'The Guardians Of Peace', and while this was a horrifying prospect for a studio who can't really afford to take a hit this big - things have taken a more personal turn in the past 24 hours: 25 pages of internal communications, emails and texts from high ranking officials within the production company were leaked, alongside the credit card information of several members of staff, the personal contact information of a number of A-list celebrities and a pile of sensitive information in regards to a number of upcoming film and TV releases. The info reveals some pretty shocking things and is a real eye-opener in regards to exactly what 's going on behind closed doors at SPE. Execs can't seem to agree on what to reboot next, or whether to reboot anything at all, and the most recent leak has revealed both Seth Rogen and James Franco's fees ($8.4m & $6.5m respectively) for The Interview - A project that sees them infiltrate North Korea and take down it's leader - Kim Jong Un, with probable comedic results. Either way, some of the exchanges are jaw-droppingly crazy, considering the messages are coming from a slew of executive producers, so we've rounded up the 10 most shocking ones for you, in shiny and convenient video format!
