10 Star Wars Fan Theories That Became Fact
The Force was definitely strong with these particular Star Wars fan theories...

Fantasising and dreaming up precisely what will unfold in just about any big or small screen franchise offering has become an inescapable and often rather enjoyable part of life as a fan of sprawling universe content in recent years. And in the galaxy far, far away, Force-sensitive fans have never been lost for ideas as to what the future will hold for their favourite Jedi, Sith, and rebellious faces in the coming years.
While it would be foolish for the likes of Lucasfilm and Disney to incorporate absolutely EVERY stream of hopeful consciousness tapped onto Twitter, sometimes the minds behind the various Star Wars projects on the horizon do appear to take some intriguing inspiration from those who have invested their precious time in this inter-galactic soap opera.
So, continue pitching for your faves to make a triumphant return and for certain unexpected big reveals to blow the minds of fans the world over, folks. You never know who may be listening across the galaxy...
From long-clamoured-for comebacks being made legit, to fans having anything but a "bad feeling" about a character's Force abilities, these compelling theories turned out to be 100% on the money later down the road.
10. Qui-Gon Returns In Force Ghost Form

He may have only been around on the live-action scene for just one rather divisive Prequel outing, but that still didn't stop Liam Neeson's maverick Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn from making one hell of an impression on this corner of the galaxy.
And while Neeson was seemingly all too happy to return to George Lucas' world in a vocal capacity in the likes of the animated Clone Wars series, fans were still holding out hope that they may one day see Obi-Wan Kenobi's master return to the live-action stage in some capacity.
With news of said eventual Ben finally being gifted his own titular spin-off series on Disney+ then, came a reigniting of said hope as fans pitched numerous potential scenarios that could result in Jinn showing up... and perhaps as more than just a voiceover cameo.
Sure enough, in the closing stages of the first season and after spending much of the show trying to reach out to his fallen master, Neeson's Qui-Gon made himself known to Kenobi, only this time via Force Ghost. And in something of a meta utterance, his stating that "it took you long enough" was an opinion likely shared by many of those watching at home...