10 Star Wars Moments Deeper Than You Think

Laugh at Anakin's sand speech all you like, but there's more to it than that.

By Jack Pooley /

Now to be completely fair to Star Wars fans, they will read into just about everything. Even the most mundane scenes in the franchise have some arcane hidden meaning, and so a lot of the time it admittedly feels like fans strain themselves in the pursuit of added depth.


Yet there are also undeniably times where scenes operate on a more thoughtful, contemplative level, as can be easily missed.

And of course, there are those scenes which have had their meaning enhanced and fleshed-out after the fact by subsequent additions to the canon.

It's easy to take all of these scenes at pure face value, especially if you don't follow Star Wars much outside of the movies and TV shows, but there's far more context and character work to glean from them than you're likely aware.

Some of these scenes might seem purely superficial with a concrete meaning, but if you dare to give them a closer look, you'll actually find something a little more interesting percolating just beneath the surface.

And so, impress your fellow Star Wars fans by regaling them with wholly extra interpretations of these scenes...

10. Obi-Wan Visits The Jedi Archives - Attack Of The Clones

In Attack of the Clones, Obi-Wan (Ewan McGregor) pays a visit to the Jedi Archives to research the mysterious planet Kamino.


When it's nowhere to be seen in the records, Obi-Wan suggests they must be incomplete, only to be rather brusquely informed by the archives' librarian, Jocasta Nu (Alethea McGrath), that this can't be the case. She says:

"If an item does not appear in our records... it does not exist."

While on a superficial level this simply speaks to the shadowy nature of Kamino, where the clone army is being secretly built for the Galactic Republic, on another it underlines the dogmatic, even arrogant potential of the Jedi Order in its dying days.

Jocasta Nu was clearly offended by Obi-Wan's suggestion that there could be a planet concealed beyond her or the Jedi Archives' knowledge, believing it to be simply inconceivable.

This even falls perfectly in line with Yoda's (Frank Oz) earlier comment about a major personality defect many Jedi have:

"A flaw more and more common among Jedi. Too sure of themselves they are."