10 Star Wars Questions We Still Need Answers To

The burning Star Wars questions we're STILL waiting on answers for.

By Jack Pooley /

The Star Wars franchise is so impossibly huge that barely a week goes by without a new piece of media raising a whole host of questions for the fanbase to fiercely debate.


But as it stands, there are countless long-lingering questions about the series which have remained unanswered for years, even many, many decades. 

And so, Star Wars fans being the inquisitive, passionate bunch they are, they've been demanding answers ever since.

Yet it remains to be seen whether or not these burning questions will ever get legitimate, canonised answers one way or another. 

In some cases the mystery might ultimately be more valuable for Star Wars as an IP, rather than risk alienating a large chunk of the fanbase with an unsatisfying outcome.

All the same, it sure would be nice to know the name of a certain green character's species, the true fate of a particular fan fave bounty hunter, and quite what happened with the Skywalker lightsaber leading up to the sequels, among many other things.

Again, it remains to be seen whether those in charge will ever relent and put fans out of their misery here, or leave them to stew in the ambiguity forever more...

10. Everything About Yoda's Species

Let's kick things off with arguably the single biggest, most speculated-upon mystery in the entirety of Star Wars - what exactly is up with Yoda's (Frank Oz) species?


In the almost half-century that the franchise has existed, we've been given curiously little context for the species that Yoda, Yaddle, and Grogu belong to. Hell, we don't even have an official name for what they are beyond "Yoda's species."

But there are so many other unanswered questions we can touch on within this. Where do they originate from? How many members of Yoda's species are there? Are they all Force-sensitive? 

And here's a biggie - why does Yoda talk the way he does, ordering sentences object-subject-verb? The recent Tales of the Jedi series canonically confirmed that Yaddle orders her sentences just as humans do, so why is Yoda different?

While there's a large subset of Star Wars fans dying to have these questions answered, there are also many who prefer to savour the mystery and ambiguity of Yoda's species, rather than risk demystifying them to the point that they cease to be interesting - especially if all the answers aren't that great.

Given that the franchise's creative inner circle has remained tight-lipped about it all for so many decades, it wouldn't be surprising if most of these questions are forever left unanswered.
