10 Terrifying Horror Double Bills For Halloween

Sometimes being scared witless once simply isn't enough. Happy Halloween!

By Andrew Dilks /

If there was an aspect of the cinema-going experience from a bygone era which could really liven up the pleasures of seeing movies on the big screen in the present day, it would be the double bill. Otherwise known as the double feature, this long forgotten practice of pairing two movies together with an interval in between took the enjoyment of going to the cinema to new levels. Originally designed so that the studios could sell their cheaper B-movies to theatres alongside their more prestigious A-movie titles, the concept of the double bill lends itself to horror and exploitation movies perhaps more so than any other genre. With dozens of subgenres to choose from and countless movie titles to pair up, the possibilities for doubling your thrills and scares for an evening's entertainment are virtually endless. It is in the spirit - or should that be ghoul - of Halloween and the quest for scary movies that we bring to you a selection of horror themed double bills, each pairing taking a look at a different side to the horror genre, whether it be creepy classics or ill-fated documentary makers who bite off more than they can chew. Watch them if you dare.