10 Terrifying Horror Films That Haunted Your 2015

The films of last year that squatted malevolently in your brain long after the credits rolled.

By Jack Morrell /

It€™s hard to remember a time when the cinematic horror genre was in safer hands. The last few years have seen some phenomenal young talent come to the fore, with newer creative forces like the Soska sisters, Danielle Harris and Britain€™s own MJ Dixon mixing it up with older genre mainstays like James Wan and Guillermo Del Toro. This isn€™t just a showcase of the best horror movies of 2015, however. Here, I€™m interested in more than just jump cuts, possession storylines, pointless torture porn or generic stalk n€™ slash movies. No, these are the films that rabbit punched you in the brain when you weren€™t looking, and then stayed with you afterwards like bad dinner guests, stealing your whisky and starting fights with the dog. 2013 gave us the eerily macabre Lords Of Salem, the uneasily brutal Maniac remake and the fresh, exciting You€™re Next. 2014 gave us the shocking and unsettling Oculus, astonishing psychological chiller The Babadook and the batsh*t crazy Tusk. What twisted, lovely creations did 2015 drag into the vulgar neon of the multiplex? Or, you know€ Netflix or whatever. Here€™s a good representation of what the year had to offer. I€™ve selected movies which had their official release in 2015, not just movies completed or shown in festivals and, of course, here be spoilers. Approach at your own risk.