10 Most Terrifying Modern Horror Classics [VIDEO]

We all love a good bit of horror.

By Sam Driver /

http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x28xytb_10-most-terrifying-modern-horror-classics_shortfilms Halloween! Costumes, pumpkins, junk food, parties and HORROR! We all love a good bit of horror, and Halloween is the time of year to get stuck in. It's the one day of the year where it'd be rude not to lock yourself away, steal the bowl of candy you bought for trick or treaters, maybe grab a beer or two, turn the lights off and scare yourself into oblivion with a stack of films. There are of course the classics: Everything from A Nightmare On Elm Street to The Wicker Man. This, for many of us, is what it's all about - revisiting the films that scared us senseless as kids. But for some people, the same old scares just won't cut it - they want something fresh. Luckily for those people, we've had a mountain of awesome horror in recent years, some of which will definitely go down in history as genre classics. The only issue is, for every good horror film we see nowadays, there seems to be 50 terrible ones. (This has actually been a problem since back in the days of exploitation and B-Movie horror, but while the 'terrible' horrors maybe aren't as polished as their respected peers, a lot of people out there still love 'em, and it's hard to deny the charms of something as insanely bad as Death Bed: The Bed That Eats!) That being said; if you're not a horror connoisseur, then it can be a bit daunting to stand there in the horror section trying to find a solid film among the racks and racks of gory looking cases staring back at you. So in order to streamline this process, we've put together a crash-list of 10 of the most terrifying modern horror classics that it'd be a shame to neglect - in handy video format!
