10 Terrifying Monsters Wasted In Terrible Horror Movies

Because a terrible film doesn't mean a terrible monster.

By James Metcalfe /

If the 1970s and '80s have become known for the prevalence of brutish slasher villains, the 1930s through to the early 1960s was the time when monster horror really took the torch.


No genre in the world of entertainment lets your creative minds run more wild than horror. Ever since its heyday in pre-war North America, film writers have loved to dabble in the mysterious and the supernatural in the hopes of unearthing the next big scare. Because society wasn't quite ready for the sight of actual humans committing atrocious crimes, the logical answer was to just create some scary beings to do it for us.

From Frankenstein to giant CGI Anacondas, there's something about the whole process of the unnatural and unexplained that we as an audience just can't help but be terrified over, even if those creations end up coming in some of the worst films we've ever laid eyes on.

From screenwriter to special effect crew, having a terrifying monster in your film is simply not optional, and thankfully we've been treated to plenty of brilliant baddies over the years. Not all of these baddies come in the best films however, and we're on a mission to uncover the very best the film world has to offer from the movies that people have rubbished ever since their release.

10. The Creature - The Creeping Terror (1964)

Quite unfairly panned as one of the world's worst science-fiction horror flicks, The Creeping Terror was let loose to the public all the way back in 1964 and introduced the world to its terrifying creature.


Following the story of our hero Martin Gordon, played by Vic Savage, The Creeping Terror starts out almost as a supernatural mystery, teasing us with a dead sheriff and an alien spaceship quite some time before we even get a hint of what the ship owner might look like.

Eventually however, we're treated to a sight of the film's creature via a killing rampage against a bikini girl, a housewife, Grandpa and Grandson Brown, a bunch of picnickers and some traditional teenagers at a local dance hall.

The Creeping Terror is a long, thin, worm-like monster that is caked in leaves and sprouts some pretty intimidating tentacles from the top of its head. Whilst it moves like a snail, its ability to devour its victims whole makes for some pretty shocking kills, and that crackly snarling it makes on the hunt is truly something out of this world.

Whilst the creature turns out to be immune from bullets during the film's finale, it's no match for Martin and Uncle Sam's finest collection of grenades.
