10 Things You Didn't Know About Pulp Fiction

John Travolta was paid how much?!?

By Lewis Howse /

Pulp Fiction has just turned twenty years old. While that may unfortunately make some readers feel a bit old, it also makes it a good time to look back at what was a milestone in the world of film. Made on a relatively small $8m budget, Pulp Fiction would go on to make $214m at the box-office and in essence became the Star Wars of independent film. A non-linear movie in which characters sit around and talk about foot massages and burgers had done monster business and it set the stage for the independent boom of the mid-1990's. Yes, Pulp Fiction was one of the most successful independent films of all time, made (even bigger) stars out of the film's cast and announced Quentin Tarantino as the hottest director in Hollywood. The film was effortlessly cool and won over even the surliest film critic with its sharp dialogue, unique story and the way in which the film referenced everything from long-forgotten science fiction B-movies to classic Italian neorealism. Pulp Fiction is iconic, no question about it. The film's poster has adorned the walls of millions of University students and is one of the most parodied images in film history. As famous as the film is, there are still some things you might not know about it. Like the glowing briefcase that features throughout the film, it's time to shed some light on this post-modern masterpiece.