10 Things Everybody Gets Wrong About 2014 Movies

The truth behind the best recent year in cinema.

By Alex Leadbeater /

Now that it's graduated from just sharing cat pictures, the internet lives off movie facts. It's just a shame so many of them are completely made up. Did you know the run-time of Titanic is the same as the time it took for the ship itself to sink? That little factoid's recently done the rounds, despite being categorically false - the ship went down in two hours, forty minutes, while James Cameron's Oscar sweeping blockbuster goes on for another half an hour. A quick fact check would have revealed that, but instead people run around shouting it just so they can make jokes about how long the movie is. Despite the entirety of human history (pretty much) at anybody's finger-tips, people seem to take facts at face value, letting rumour reign supreme and trivia become a tangle of speculation. In the early days of the internet, where clarifying something required an odyssey into the land of dial-up, this was somewhat excusable (in the aftermath of The Phantom Menace, people were convinced Darth Vader's suit and a Terminator were in Watto's junkyard), but in the modern day it's not acceptable. 2014, otherwise known as the best year for movies in ages, was typically full of these misreports, despite Wikipedia being over ten years old by this point. Let's try and right some of the wrongs and highlight ten movie "facts" that were totally wrong.

Honourable Mention - It's Not Back To The Future Day Today

Marty McFly travelled to 21st October 2015. Save your hoverboard/Jaws 19 jokes until then.