10 Things We Only Fear Because Of The Movies

By Rachel Joanne Carney /

I've never really been a big fan of horror movies, but at the end of a long, boring summer holiday on a rainy afternoon I decided to watch Psycho. "How scary can it be?" I thought to myself. After all, it was a movie from the '60s and I already knew the plot. Safely disregarding my parents views of how scary it was, I grabbed a bag of popcorn and trudged up to my bedroom ready to be thoroughly disappointed by the lack of terror. Fast forward a few years and you'll find a person who obsessively peeps out of the shower curtain every 30 seconds just to make sure Norman Bates isn't waiting to kill me. To be honest, I'm not sure what I'd do if he was, but that's not the point. Why is it that when you're driving down an isolated country lane you can't take your eyes off that scarecrow? Or why you're always a little bit cautious of children on tricycles? Movies, in particular horror movies, are powerful entities. They've successfully transformed some of life's most mundane occurrences and objects into lifelong phobias... and their scare tactics are on the increase! So, without further ado, here are 10 things that the movies have made us truly terrified of. Spoilers throughout, of course.