10 Things That Would Stop Batman Vs Superman From Sucking

We don't think the project is completely doomed yet.

By K.J. Stewart /

In 2016, we're getting arguably the biggest superhero movie of all time, as two of the most iconic heroes in comic book history - and indeed movie history - face off on the big screen in Batman Vs Superman: Dawn of Justice. However, exciting a concept as it is, not many people actually expect the big DC smackdown flick to be any good. It seems extremely rushed. Compared to Marvel's methodical approach to expanding their cinematic universe - which has, so far, taken six years and worked out pretty damn well for them - DC appear to be a bit too keen to catch up with their rivals and are throwing all kinds of characters in to the mix and cramming stuff in that, ideally, should be happening over the course of several movies. Then, of course, there's the Ben Affleck issue. His casting as Batman went down like a lead balloon and although the pictures that were released of him in costume changed a few opinions, most people are still unconvinced that Affleck can pull off the role. But we don't think the project is completely doomed - not by any stretch of the imagination. There are loads of things that can be done to ensure it's not terrible. In this article, we're going to take a look at some of the things that will make this project work. Here are ten things that would stop Batman Vs Superman from sucking...