10 Things We Want In A Sequel To Mad Max: Fury Road

More Max is a must!

By Jay Anderson /

Mad Max: Fury Road has turned out to be the surprise hit of the summer. With a current worldwide gross of $300 million and counting, stellar reviews, and positive word of mouth, the fourth film in the Mad Max franchise has established itself as one of the best action movies in years, thanks to solid acting, gorgeous cinematography, creative characters and vehicles, and, obviously, insane action.


Which, of course, screams for more! And with that sort of tally on an R-rated movie, more there shall likely be.

According to the producers, there are two more Mad Max stories ready to go, one of which, Furiosa, was originally intended to be an animated side project to the main movie. Another title thrown around recently has been Mad Max: The Wasteland, but it's not clear if that's a an updated version of Furiosa, or a fresh story. Whether they choose to modify Furiosa for the big screen, or move forward with the aforementioned third story, is anyone's guess.

Either way, you can bet on the fact that in the next few years, production on a new Mad Max film will be underway - hopefully without all the trials and tribulations Fury Road went through. The good news is that Tom Hardy is already on board, and very willing to play Max Rockatansky again.

When it comes to a fifth Mad Max film, there are a few things fans definitely want - so lets take a look!

10. The Return Of The Flame Thrower Guitar

One of the coolest things about Mad Max: Fury Road from a visual perspective is the flame thrower guitar. Played by a character known as the Doof Warrior, it served as part of a massive audio rig on wheels that was basically the war drum car for Immortan Joe's war boys. While not exactly central to the storyline, it was an intense, quite frankly insane sight, the likes of which really hadn't been seen before.


Even cooler: the guitar actually worked! That's how crazy George Miller is. When it comes to props, he wants them all to be functional.

So of course there needs to be a return of the flame thrower guitar in the sequel. No matter who wields it, it's worth bringing out for a cameo. Maybe even have Max pick it up and give it a go.
