10 Things You Didn't Know About Clint Eastwood

He sings, you know?

By Alex Porritt /

He€™s the squinting, no-nonsense man of few words. He's the Old West anti-hero and the vigilante cop, always on hand to ruin some punk's day. He's directed some of Hollywood's finest movies, and even turned his hand to a musical or two. But there's more to Clint Eastwood than meets the eye. His award-winning career has been dotted with a few questionable roles, along with some surprising jobs outside of the film industry. He may have made his name as a Hollywood gunslinger, but before his breakout role as Rowdy Yates in TV€™s Rawhide, he was more likely to be spotted digging swimming pools for the rich and famous than chasing bandits. Eastwood€™s story is one of determination and hard work. He€™s faced some fierce opposition in the industry, had a few scrapes with death, and even taken on the government. His latest film, American Sniper, is currently facing some harsh criticism for historic and moral inaccuracy, but by now he€™s used to the controversy. If the film€™s long list of award nominations indicate anything, it€™s that he isn€™t going to let the naysayers hold him back. Whatever he's doing, he's usually doing it way cooler than anybody else would do it, and even at the grand old age of 84, he's still a badass. These are ten very surprising reasons why.
