10 Things You Need To Know About The Spectacular Spider-Man

Wait, Marvel's Spectacular Spider-Man is going to be like the Harry Potter franchise?

By Josh Wilding /

http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2ijw4m_spectacular-spider-man-10-things-you-need-to-know_shortfilms As you have more than likely heard by now, Marvel and Sony have apparently found their writer and director for the Spider-Man reboot which is set to be released in 2017. The partnership between the two studios shocked fanboys everywhere earlier this year, because no matter how much everyone wanted it to happen, Spider-Man becoming part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe always seemed to be little more than a pipe dream. It really is happening though, and these latest details should help put even the most sceptical fan's mind at ease. There has been a lot of talk about just how much control Marvel really does have and whether Spidey turning up in Captain America: Civil War will amount to little more than a disappointing cameo which is being done only to drive up ticket sales. However, Latino-Review's scoop clears up a lot of that confusion. Here, you will find all of the latest details about this reboot (including some possible spoilers about what to expect from Spider-Man's Marvel Cinematic Universe debut) and what these mean for both the movie itself and the future of the relaunched franchise. If you need to brush up on your Spider-Man knowledge before next year, be sure to check out 20 mind-blowing facts about the iconic Marvel superhero by clicking here. For now though, read on for all the details about this "spectacular" new take on Peter Parker...
