10 (At The Time) Unknown Actors Who Were In The Star Wars Prequels

Rewatching the films today might make the observant viewer recognize faces in the crowds that they didn't know were there before.

By Torsten Gunnehill /

"Star Wars" is in the spotlight again. The masses rejoice with the news that the long-awaited Sequel Trilogy is truly in the making, even though the general consensus is that the last three "Star Wars"-films didn't quite deliver. Despite original creator George Lucas' involvement, The Prequel Trilogy was criticised for featuring lazy writing, wooden acting, for being too reliant on computer-animated effects and for its apparent lack of respect for sacred gospel (i.e. The Original Trilogy). I can agree with all of the named named criticisms, but at the same time I think that fans sometimes forget that Episodes I-III really seemed to have ambition. For instance, the films were mostly well-cast. On paper, anyway. How could we expect that the uninspired direction would make distinguished actors like Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman and Samuel L. Jackson appear free of charisma? Something went wrong on the way, obviously. But there was great potential, initially. Now that were on the subject of the cast of the "Star Wars"-prequels; rewatching the films today might make the observant viewer recognize faces in the crowds that they didn't know were there before.