10 Times An Actor Went On An Insane Streak Of Great Movies

When you're hot, you're hot.

By Taylor Burns /

An actor can wait years for that one great role or movie; some get it, some don't. Others get a couple of great ones separated by years of filler, like Ed Norton, who waited fourteen years between his last great role, Birdman, and the one that preceded it, Spike Lee's 25th Hour. Some only ever skim greatness (think Matt Damon, though there's still time yet), and some don't start producing it until the twilight of their career (think Christopher Plummer.) Some actors, however, seem to have periods of sustained greatness, hot streaks that see them blessed with Midas' proverbial golden touch. What's more, the streaks contained in this list - while all great performances regardless - do, for the most part, come in genuinely great films, ensuring that their performance is all the more worthy of that greatness tag. You'd be surprised by how few actors there are who have enjoyed such streaks. It takes a truly special actor to collect even a handful of great roles, especially in such a short space of time (the average length of the streaks on this list is about four years). That means there's a small club of the very best - an auspicious group of talents who have made several incredible movies in a row. Note: While many of the streaks here are unbroken, some periods include performances, not part of the streak, that may not be mentioned. None are anywhere near bad enough to halt any of the streaks, and thus they are inconsequential.